# Generate Plugin providing content generation and clean-up. ## Generate Command The `generate` plugin provides a content generation capability for use in user-defined plugins. It can be used to generate any text file from a model. As of right now, it cannot be used cleanly from the command line, and must be called through the `run_generate()` function. ```python from aac.plugins.generate import run_generate def generate_command(my_model: str, my_generator: str): run_generate(my_model, my_generator) ``` ### Arguments #### AaC File The AaC file containing the model definition. #### Generator File The AaC file containing the generator definition(s). ### Optional Arguments #### Code Output The `--code-output` argument tells the generator the directory to put your generated code. This will be the root of the package directory structure. #### Test Output The `--test-output` argument tells the generator the directory to put your generated tests. This will be the root of the test directory structure. #### Doc Output The `--doc-output` argument tells the generator the directory to put your generated documentation. _This is currently not used but may be in the future._ #### No Prompt The `--no-prompt` argument tells the generator to not ask the user to confirm the output directories. This may be useful for CI/CD pipelines if you're generating content automatically. #### Force Overwrite The `--force-overwrite` argument tells the generator to overwrite all files (while still making a backup), rather than output `.aac_evaluate` files for user-editable files. #### Evaluate The `--evaluate` argument tells the generator to only output `.aac_evaluate` files for all generated files, rather than overwriting them. ### Help ![Generate Command Help](../../images/examples/generate-h.png) ## Clean Command The `clean` command will clean-up any `.aac_backup` and `.aac_evaluate` files that may be "left over" from your plugin generation work. ![Clean Command Output](../../images/examples/clean-output.png) ### Arguments #### AaC Plugin File The AaC file containing the model definition. ### Optional Arguments #### Code Output The `--code-output` argument tells the cleaner where code backup and evaluate content may be found. This will be the root of the package directory structure. #### Test Output The `--test-output` argument tells the cleaner where test backup and evaluate content may be found. This will be the root of the test directory structure. #### Doc Output The `--doc-output` argument tells the cleaner where documentation backup and evaluate content may be found. _This is currently not used but may be in the future._ #### No Prompt The `--no-prompt` argument tells the generator to not ask the user to confirm the directories. This may be useful for CI/CD pipelines if you're generating and cleaning content content automatically. ### Help ![Clean Command Help](../../images/examples/clean-h.png)