The LanguageContext is a singleton that holds the current state of the AaC language, including all definitions and plugin runners.
A singleton class that holds the current state of the AaC language. |
- class aac.context.language_context.LanguageContext[source]¶
A singleton class that holds the current state of the AaC language.
- create_aac_enum(aac_enum_name: str, value: str) Any [source]¶
Function to create a Python enum for an AaC enum class and value.
- Parameters:
aac_enum_name (str) – The name of the AaC Enum class.
value (str) – The value for the enum.
- Returns:
A Python enum set to the specified value.
- Raises:
LanguageError – When a unique definition for the AaC Enum is not found, an error message detailing the issue is generated.
- Return type:
- create_aac_object(aac_type_name: str, attributes: dict) Any [source]¶
Function to create a Python object representation of an AaC class and its attributes.
- Parameters:
aac_type_name (str) – The name of the AaC class.
attributes (dict) – A dictionary of attributes for the AaC class.
- Returns:
A Python object representing the AaC class.
- Raises:
LanguageError – When a unique definition for the AaC type is not found, an error message detailing the issue is generated.
- Return type:
- get_aac_core_as_yaml() str [source]¶
Function to return the AaC language as a YAML string.
- Returns:
The core AaC definitions file as a string in YAML format.
- Return type:
- get_aac_core_definitions() list[Definition] [source]¶
Function to return the definitions for the AaC language.
- Returns:
A list of definitions in the core AaC definitions file.
- Return type:
- get_aac_core_file_path() str [source]¶
Function to return the AaC language file path.
- Returns:
The filepath to the core AaC definitions file as a string.
- Return type:
- get_defining_schema_for_root(root_key: str) Definition [source]¶
Get the defining schema for a given root key.
- Parameters:
root_key (str) – The root key for the schema definition.
- Returns:
The definition of the root schema.
- Raises:
LanguageError – When no definition is found for the defining schema, an error message detailing the issue is generated.
- Return type:
- get_definitions() list[Definition] [source]¶
Get all the definitions.
- Returns:
A list of all Definitions currently loaded into the Language Context.
- Return type:
- get_definitions_by_name(name: str) list[Definition] [source]¶
Get all the definitions with a given name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the definition(s).
- Returns:
A list of definitions with the given name.
- Return type:
- get_definitions_by_root(root_key: str) list[Definition] [source]¶
Get all the definitions with a given root key.
- Parameters:
root_key (str) – A root key to search for.
- Returns:
A list of definitions with the given root key.
- Return type:
- get_definitions_of_type(package: str, name: str) list[Definition] [source]¶
Search the language context to find definitions that match a given package and name.
- Parameters:
package (str) – The package name of the type.
name (str) – The name of the type.
- Returns:
A list of definitions of the specified type within the specified package.
- Raises:
LanguageError – When no definition is found with the given name within the given package, an error message detailing the issue is generated.
- Return type:
- get_plugin_runners() list[PluginRunner] [source]¶
Get all the plugin runners.
- Returns:
A list of all registered plugin runners.
- Return type:
- get_primitives() list[Definition] [source]¶
Get all the primitive definitions.
- Returns:
A list of all primitive definitions.
- Return type:
- get_python_type_from_primitive(primitive_name: str) str [source]¶
Get the Python type from a primitive name.
- Parameters:
primitive_name (str) – name of the primitive type.
- Returns:
The Python type equivalent to the declared primitive type.
- Raises:
LanguageError – When no primitive type is found with the given name, an error message detailing the issue is generated.
- Return type:
- get_values_by_field_chain(search_term: str) list [source]¶
Find values from the language context using a dot notation field chain.
- Parameters:
search_term (str) – A dot notation field chain. (i.e. root.definition.field)
- Returns:
A list of values from the specified fields.
- Return type:
- is_aac_instance(obj: Any, name: str) bool [source]¶
Function to determine if an object is an instance of an AaC class.
- Parameters:
obj (Any) – Object to check.
name (str) – The AaC class name to be used for comparison.
- Returns:
A boolean which equals true if the object is an instance of the specified class.
- Return type:
- is_extension_of(check_me: Definition, package: str, name: str) bool [source]¶
Check to see if a given definition extends from a given package and name.
- Parameters:
check_me (Definition) – The definition to be checked if it is an extension.
package (str) – The package name of the definitions to be checked against.
name (str) – The name of the definitions to be checked against.
- Returns:
A boolean value which equals True if the given definition is an extension, and equals False if it is not.
- Return type:
- parse_and_load(arg: str) list[Definition] [source]¶
Convenience function that parses a file or string and loads the definitions into the context.
- Parameters:
arg (str) – An AaC definition file. Can be a string in YAML format or a filepath.
- Returns:
A list of definition objects which have been loaded into the Language Context.
- Return type:
- register_plugin_runner(runner: PluginRunner) None [source]¶
Register a plugin runner.
- Parameters:
runner (PluginRunner) – A plugin runner to be registered.
- Return type:
- remove_definitions(definitions: list[Definition]) None [source]¶
Remove the given definitions from the context.
- Parameters:
definitions (list[Definition]) – A list of Definitions to be removed from the Language Context.
- Return type: