Check Arguments Against Constraint Definition¶
Check Arguments Against Constraint Definition
is a Schema Constraint.
It checks the arguments provided to a constraint by looking up the associated constraint definition and ensuring the
arguments provided in the assignment match the arguments
defined in the constraint definition.
Usage Example¶
name: PrimitiveConstraintAssignment
package: aac.lang
description: |
Assigns a primitive constraint to a primitive definition.
- name: name
type: dataref(
description: |
The name of the schema constraint definition.
is_required: true
- name: arguments
type: any
description: |
Arguments for the primitive constraint if applicable. Using the any type
because the arguments are defined by the constraint definition. The
constraint_assignment_arguments constraint will cross reference arguments
provided here against the constraint definition.
- name: Check arguments against constraint definition
In the above example, Check Arguments Against Constraint Definition
is applied to the PrimitiveConstraintAssignment
definition to ensure the arguments
field matches the expected arguments
from the primitive constraint definition it is being assigned to. If the argument is not recognized by the primitive constraint, Check Arguments Against Constraint Definition
will fail.