Source code for aac.execute.command_line

"""The entry-point for the command line interface for the aac tool."""

import sys
from os import linesep
from click import (

from aac.execute.plugin_runner import AacCommand, AacCommandArgument, PluginRunner
from aac.execute.aac_execution_result import (
from aac.context.definition import Definition
from aac.context.language_error import LanguageError
from aac.context.language_context import LanguageContext
from aac.in_out.parser._parser_error import ParserError

from typing import Callable, Any

@group(context_settings=dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]))
def cli():
    """The Architecture-as-Code (AaC) command line tool."""

[docs] @cli.result_callback() def output_result(result: ExecutionResult): """Output the result of the command.""" error_occurred = not result.is_success() secho(result.get_messages_as_string(), err=error_occurred, color=True) if error_occurred: sys.exit(result.status_code.value)
[docs] def to_click_type(type_name: str) -> ParamType: """Convert the named type to a type recognized by Click.""" if type_name == "file": return Path(file_okay=True) elif type_name == "directory": return Path(dir_okay=True) return types.__dict__.get(type_name.upper(), UNPROCESSED)
[docs] def to_click_parameter(argument: AacCommandArgument) -> Parameter: """Convert an AacCommandArgument to a Click Parameter.""" names = [] if isinstance(, str) else args = dict( type=to_click_type(argument.data_type), nargs=1, default=argument.default ) return ( Option( names, help=argument.description, show_default=True, is_flag=argument.data_type == "bool", **args, ) if[0].startswith("-") else Argument(names, **args) )
[docs] def handle_exceptions(plugin_name: str, func: Callable) -> Callable: # noqa: C901 """Decorator to catch and handle exceptions in a function.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except LanguageError as e: return ExecutionResult( plugin_name, "exception", ExecutionStatus.GENERAL_FAILURE, [ExecutionMessage(e.message, MessageLevel.ERROR, e.location, None)], ) except OperationCancelled as e: return ExecutionResult( plugin_name, "exception", ExecutionStatus.OPERATION_CANCELLED, [ExecutionMessage(str(e), MessageLevel.ERROR, None, None)], ) except ParserError as e: usr_msg = f"The AaC file '{e.source}' could not be parsed.{linesep}" if e.errors: usr_msg = f"{usr_msg}The following errors were encountered:{linesep}" for err in e.errors: usr_msg += f" - {err}{linesep}" if e.yaml_error: usr_msg += f"The following YAML errors were encountered:{linesep}" exc = e.yaml_error if hasattr(exc, "problem_mark"): if exc.context is not None: usr_msg += f" Parser Location: {str(exc.problem_mark)} - Problem: {str(exc.problem)} - Context: {str(exc.context)}{linesep}Please correct data and retry." else: usr_msg += f" Parser Location: {str(exc.problem_mark)} - Problem: {str(exc.problem)}{linesep}Please correct data and retry." return ExecutionResult( plugin_name, "exception", ExecutionStatus.PARSER_FAILURE, [ExecutionMessage(usr_msg, MessageLevel.ERROR, None, None)], ) return wrapper
[docs] def to_click_command(plugin_name: str, command: AacCommand) -> Command: """Convert an AacCommand to a Click Command.""" def is_required_arg(arg): if isinstance(arg, list): return is_required_arg(arg[0]) return not"-") return Command(, callback=handle_exceptions(plugin_name, command.callback), params=[to_click_parameter(arg) for arg in command.arguments], short_help=command.description, no_args_is_help=len([arg for arg in command.arguments if is_required_arg(arg)]) > 0, )
[docs] def get_command_arguments(plugin_command: Any, definition: Definition): """ Function to get a list of arguments for a plugin command. Args: plugin_command (Any): The plugin command with arguments. definition (Definition): The plugin definition. Returns: arguments (list[AacCommandArgument]): A list of command arguments. """ context = LanguageContext() arguments: list[AacCommandArgument] = [] for input in plugin_command.input: try: arguments.append( AacCommandArgument(, input.description, context.get_python_type_from_primitive(input.type), input.default, ) ) except LanguageError as e: raise LanguageError(e.message, definition.source.uri) return arguments
[docs] def initialize_cli(): """Initialize the CLI.""" try: active_context = LanguageContext() except LanguageError as e: if e.location: secho(f"{e.message}{linesep}{e.location}", err=True, color=True) else: secho(f"{e.message}", err=True, color=True) sys.exit(1) def get_commands() -> list[AacCommand]: result: list[AacCommand] = [] context = LanguageContext() for runner in context.get_plugin_runners(): definition = runner.plugin_definition for plugin_command in definition.instance.commands: arguments: list[AacCommandArgument] = get_command_arguments(plugin_command, definition) result.append( AacCommand(, plugin_command.help_text, runner.command_to_callback[], arguments, ) ) return result runners: list[PluginRunner] = active_context.get_plugin_runners() for runner in runners: commands = [ to_click_command(runner.get_plugin_name(), cmd) for cmd in get_commands() ] for command in commands: cli.add_command(command)
# This is the entry point for the CLI initialize_cli()