Parse Architecture-as-Code YAML files.
The AaC parser reads a YAML file, performs validation (if not suppressed) and provides
the caller with a dictionary of the content keyed by the named type. This allows you
to find a certain type in a model by just looking for that key.
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from os import path, linesep
from yaml import Mark, Token, StreamStartToken, StreamEndToken, DocumentStartToken
from aac.context.constants import DEFINITION_FIELD_NAME, ROOT_KEY_IMPORT
from aac.context.definition import Definition
from aac.context.lexeme import Lexeme
from aac.context.source_location import SourceLocation
from aac.in_out.files.aac_file import AaCFile
from aac.in_out.parser._cache_manager import get_cache
from aac.in_out.paths import sanitize_filesystem_path
YAML_CACHE = get_cache()
def parse(source: str, source_uri: str = DEFAULT_SOURCE_URI) -> list[Definition]:
Parse the Architecture-as-Code (AaC) definition(s) from the provided source.
source (str): Must be either a file path to an AaC yaml file or a string containing AaC definitions.
source_uri (Optional[str]): Overrides and sets the source_uri
A list of Definition objects containing the internal representation of the definition and metadata
associated with the definition.
# Linesep provides a quick and cheap filter for filepaths. A valid filepath won't have newlines.
sanitized_source = source
is_file = False
if linesep not in source:
sanitized_source = sanitize_filesystem_path(source)
if path.isfile(sanitized_source):
is_file = True
return _parse_file(sanitized_source) if is_file else _parse_str(source_uri, source)
def _parse_file(arch_file: str) -> list[Definition]:
Parse an Architecture-as-Code YAML file and return the definitions in it and its imported files.
arch_file (str): The Architecture-as-Code YAML file to be parsed.
The AaC definitions extracted from the specified file.
definitions_list = []
parsed_files = set()
def parse_file_contents(file: str):
if file not in parsed_files:
file_content = _read_arch_file_content(file)
if file_content:
parsed_definitions = _parse_str(file, file_content)
[parse_file_contents(imp_file) for imp_file in _get_files_to_import_from_definitions(file, parsed_definitions)]
return definitions_list
def _parse_str(source: str, model_content: str) -> list[Definition]:
Parse a string containing one or more YAML model definitions.
source: The file the content came from (to help with better logging)
model_content: The YAML to parse
The AaC definitions that were built from the model contents.
def mark_to_source_location(start: Mark, end: Mark) -> SourceLocation:
return SourceLocation(start.line, start.column, start.index, end.column - start.column)
def get_lexemes_for_definition(value_tokens, content_start, content_end) -> list[Lexeme]:
definition_tokens = [token for token in value_tokens if is_token_between_locations(token, content_start, content_end)]
definition_lexemes = []
for token in definition_tokens:
location = mark_to_source_location(token.start_mark, token.end_mark)
definition_lexemes.append(Lexeme(location, source, token.value))
return definition_lexemes
def is_token_between_locations(token, inclusive_line_start: int, inclusive_line_end: int) -> list[Lexeme]:
return token.start_mark.line >= inclusive_line_start and token.end_mark.line <= inclusive_line_end
yaml_tokens: list[Token] = YAML_CACHE.scan_string(model_content, source)
value_tokens: list[Token] = [token for token in yaml_tokens if hasattr(token, "value")]
doc_start_token: list[StreamStartToken] = [token for token in yaml_tokens if isinstance(token, StreamStartToken)]
doc_end_token: list[StreamEndToken] = [token for token in yaml_tokens if isinstance(token, StreamEndToken)]
doc_segment_tokens: list[DocumentStartToken] = [token for token in yaml_tokens if isinstance(token, DocumentStartToken)]
doc_tokens = [*doc_start_token, *doc_segment_tokens, *doc_end_token]
yaml_dicts: list[dict] = deepcopy(YAML_CACHE.parse_string(model_content, source))
source_files: dict[str, AaCFile] = {}
definitions: list[Definition] = []
for doc_token_index in range(0, len(doc_tokens) - 1):
start_doc_token = doc_tokens[doc_token_index]
end_doc_token = doc_tokens[doc_token_index + 1]
content_start_line = start_doc_token.start_mark.line
content_end_line = end_doc_token.end_mark.line + (1 if isinstance(end_doc_token, StreamEndToken) else 0)
yaml_text = linesep.join(model_content.splitlines()[content_start_line:content_end_line])
yaml_text += linesep
if yaml_text.strip():
definition_lexemes = get_lexemes_for_definition(value_tokens, content_start_line, content_end_line)
if yaml_dicts:
source_file = source_files.get(source)
if not source_file:
source_file = AaCFile(source, True, False)
source_files[source] = source_file
root_yaml = yaml_dicts.pop(0)
root_type, *_ = root_yaml.keys()
definition_name = root_yaml.get(root_type, {}).get(DEFINITION_FIELD_NAME, "")
definition_package = root_yaml.get(root_type, {}).get("package", "")
new_definition = Definition(
f"Skipping empty content between {start_doc_token}:L{content_start_line} and {end_doc_token}:L{content_end_line} in source {source}"
logging.debug(f"Source: {source} Content:{model_content}")
logging.debug(f"Content lines:{model_content.splitlines()}")
return definitions
def _read_arch_file_content(arch_file: str) -> str:
Read file content method extracts text content from the specified architecture as code file.
arch_file: The file to read.
The contents of the file as a string.
content = ""
_, file_ext = path.splitext(arch_file)
if file_ext in acceptable_file_extensions:
with open(arch_file, "r") as file:
content = file.read()
except IOError as error:
logging.error(f"Failed to parse {arch_file} with error {error}")
if not content:
logging.error(f"Failed to parse {arch_file}, it's an empty file.")
f"Failed to parse {arch_file}, the file is not an accepted Architecture-as-Code file extension {acceptable_file_extensions}."
return content
def get_definitions_by_root_key(root_key: str, definitions: list[Definition]) -> list[Definition]:
"""Return a subset of definitions with the given root key.
The aac.in_out.parser.parse() function returns a list of all parsed Definitions. Sometimes it is
useful to only work with certain roots (i.e. model or schema). This utility
method allows the list of parsed definitions to be "filtered" to a specific root key.
root_key (str): The root key to filter on.
definitions (list[Definition]): The list of parsed definitions to filter.
A list of parsed AaC model Definitions with the given root key.
def does_definition_root_match(definition: Definition) -> bool:
return root_key == definition.get_root_key()
return [definition for definition in definitions if does_definition_root_match(definition)]
def _get_files_to_import_from_definitions(source_file_path: str, definitions: list[Definition]) -> list[str]:
Return a list of files to import from the list of definitions.
This function assumes the list of definitions contains some import definitions, and it returns
the list of file paths to import adjusted with the location of the source in case of relative import paths.
import_paths = set()
import_definitions = get_definitions_by_root_key(ROOT_KEY_IMPORT, definitions)
for definition in import_definitions:
for import_path in definition.structure[ROOT_KEY_IMPORT]["files"] or []:
arch_file_dir = path.dirname(path.realpath(source_file_path))
parse_path = path.join(arch_file_dir, import_path.removeprefix(f".{path.sep}"))
return list(import_paths)