"""YAML-specific parsing and scanning functions."""
import logging
from yaml import scan, load_all, SafeLoader, Token
from yaml.parser import ParserError as YAMLParserError
from yaml.scanner import ScannerError as YAMLScannerError
from aac.in_out.parser._parser_error import ParserError
def scan_yaml(source: str, content: str) -> list[Token]:
Parse the YAML string and produce a list of scanning tokens.
source (str): The source of the YAML content. Used to provide better error messages.
content (str): The previously parsed YAML content to be scanned.
The scanned YAML parse content.
If the YAML is invalid, a ParserError is raised.
tokens = list(scan(content, Loader=SafeLoader))
except YAMLScannerError as error:
error_messages = _yaml_error_messages("scanner", error, content)
_log_yaml_error(source, error_messages)
raise ParserError(source, error_messages)
except Exception as error:
logging.error(f"Error: {error}. Encountered in: {source}")
logging.error(f"Content of error: {content}")
raise ParserError(source, [f"Encountered the following error: {error}"]) from None
return tokens
def parse_yaml(source: str, content: str) -> list[dict]:
Parse content as a YAML string and return the resulting structure.
Be sure to use the YAML Parser Cache instead of this function.
source (str): The source of the YAML content. Used to provide better error messages.
content (str): The YAML content to be parsed.
The parsed YAML content.
If the YAML is invalid, a ParserError is raised.
If the model is not a dictionary, a ParserError is raised.
If the model does not have (at least) a "name" field, a ParserError is raised.
models = [model for model in load_all(content, Loader=SafeLoader) if model]
_error_if_not_yaml(source, content, models)
_error_if_not_complete(source, content, models)
except YAMLParserError as error:
error_messages = _yaml_error_messages("parser", error, content)
_log_yaml_error(source, error_messages)
raise ParserError(source, error_messages, error)
except YAMLScannerError as error:
error_messages = _yaml_error_messages("scanner", error, content)
_log_yaml_error(source, error_messages)
raise ParserError(source, error_messages, error)
except Exception as error:
logging.error(f"Error: {error}. Encountered in: {source}")
logging.error(f"Content of error: {content}")
raise ParserError(source, [f"Encountered the following error: {error}"]) from None
return models
def _error_if_not_yaml(source, content, models):
"""Raise a ParserError if the model is not a YAML model we can parse."""
def is_model(model):
"""Return True if the model is further parsable."""
return isinstance(model, dict)
# Iterate over each model and test if it is considered a valid model.
if not all(map(is_model, models)):
raise ParserError(source, ["Provided content was not YAML. Ensure file exists. ", content])
def _error_if_not_complete(source, content, models):
"""Raise a ParserError if the model is incomplete."""
def is_import(model):
"""Return True if the model is an import declaration."""
type, *_ = model.keys()
return type == "import"
def assert_definition_has_name(model):
"""Throws a ParserError if the definition doesn't have a name property."""
type, *_ = model.keys()
has_name = model.get(type) and model.get(type).get("name")
if not has_name:
raise ParserError(source, [f"Definition is missing field 'name': {content}"])
# Raise an error if any of the loaded YAML models are incomplete.
models_without_imports = list(filter(lambda m: not is_import(m), models))
all(map(assert_definition_has_name, models_without_imports))
def _yaml_error_messages(error_type, error, content) -> list[str]:
error_messages = [
f"Encountered an invalid YAML with the following {error_type} error: {error.problem}",
f"Encountered error at line, column: {error.problem_mark.line+1}, {error.problem_mark.column+1}",
f"Content of the error: {content}",
return error_messages
def _log_yaml_error(source, error_messages):
logging.error(f"YAML error with the following file: {source}")
for error_message in error_messages: